Dr. Szirmay Rókus
Dr. Szirmay Rókus
Polimer-technológia és kémiai folyamat-technológia
Mobil: +36202729452
Telefon: 0677587500
Weboldal: http://szirmay-design.webnode.hu
Cím: Magyarország, Kiskunmajsa
Email: szirmayrokus@gmail.com
Szakmai tapasztalat
Diplomák: Chemical Process Technology (Polymer) (Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University)
Előző munkahelyek: Szirmay-cégcsoport
Oktatási területek: Polimer- technológia ( kémiai folyamattechnológia)
Munkahely: Szirmay-design


Dr. Szirmay Rókus manager. Primarily plastic processing, pirolysis, mold design, injection molding, deep drawing, extrusion, blow molding extrudiós, pressing plants, laminating, cutter, punching plants, sterile medical devices manufacturing, launching production deal. In addition, production optimization, installation of pyrolysis plants, installing rubber and polymer recycling plants, green energy projects, company management, crisis mannager complete projects, prototypes, designed by losses, trial production, testing and new products in domestic and foreign manager deal. So far, 33.finished the implementation of successful project the material selection of the background to the creation of the market. Nearly 26. years of experience and using the most efficient technology and business management techniques. Asian experience and many years of foreign delegation after a full view and the ideal production methods assure the plant, uninterrupted or error-free operation. Fixed term of office is generally 3-9 months. 

Applied Systems: business development, account expansion, modernization, automation and execution. Application of American, European and Asian standard systems.

Applied standards: ISO, Shape, ERP, SFA, PP, 5-S, 6-Sigma, ERP, FML, LINE,FIFO, Lean, Shape, UN, DP, blackbelt, TQM, PSE, PCC, CE, CCE, CNCA. 

LIVE kurzus
Kémiai folyamat technológia (Polimer) Szakirány Egyetemi szint.
Kémiai folyamat technológia
Dr. Szirmay Rókus
Dr. Szirmay Rókus
Polimer-technológia és kémiai folyamat-technológia
Tart: 24 hónap
Indulás: 2002-02-10
Max létszám: 100
300 000 Ft